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Showing posts from June, 2019

'Asdal Solidarity' Song Jung-ki, the scream that makes the heart pound 'Seeper's Doolkuk' [cockTV]

[TV Report = Son Hyo-jung reporter] Song Jung-ki of the TVN Saturday drama 'Asdal Chronicles' made a heartbreaking cry, causing viewers to feel sad. In the 10th episode of "Asdal Chronicle Part2 Overturning Sky, Land Up", which was broadcast on June 30, Song Jung-ki (Eunseom Station), who became helpless after the death of a long-time friend, was portrayed. He was sold to the feathers as a slave and worked on the mud, and he was unwilling to work without any enthusiasm.,The eyes that lost their guns without any playful and lively appearance in Iark were enough to make the house theater sad. After that, Song Jung-ki was thinking about the death of the turret sitting on the corner of the dark room when everyone was asleep. In the recollection, Song Jung-ki cried out, calling the name of the lopsided turret in front of him, and saying that he did not want to say so to the approaching Shorjagin.,I am an Egg with some dirty bitch and a monster baby brain attack. " Son...

[Single] Kang Kyung-joon Jang Shin-young, Second Pregnant Slope → 'Sangsangmong 2'

(Seoul = News1) Yoon Hyo-jung = Actors Kang Kyung-joon (36) and Jang Shin-young (35) deliver the news of pregnancy through 'Sangsang Imong 2'. As a result of the news 1 on the 1st, Kang Kyung-joon and Jang Shin-young are pregnant with their second child and are now in a stable state.,It is said that Kang Kyung-joon and Jang Shin-young were very pleased with the news of the second pregnancy. The two were congratulated by many for the news on the 100th special feature recording of SBS 'Sangsangmong 2-You are My Destiny' (hereinafter, 'Sangsangmong 2').,In the meantime, we will share another slope with 'Sangsangmong 2', which has released love and wedding and the birth of 'Janggang Family'. Jang Shin-young met with Kang Kyung-joon in the drama 'Thorn Flower' in 2013 and devoted for five years. After that, he married in May last year and made a relationship with the couple.,The two men appeared on SBS 'Sangsangmong 2 You Are My Destiny...

'My Prettyest Daughter in the World', KBS weekend drama's anachronistic miscalculation

Is it okay, KBS weekend drama that still uses the regress code? Han Jong-soo (Dong Bang-woo), chairman of the conglomerate who directs and orders the uninhabited people like the king, and his young wife Na Hye-mi (Kang Sung-yeon) and his child Tae-ho (benefitting).,It is strange to see that the age difference between husband, wife and child is too much.,However, the place is where Han Tae-joo (Hong Jong-hyun), the son of Han Jong-soo's ex-wife, and Kang Mi-ri (Kim So-yeon), the bride-to-be, eat together.,In fact, Han Tae-joo is also older than Han Jong-soo's son, but closer to his grandson. But there is Jeon In-suk (Choi Myung-gil), who raised Han Tae-ju like a son, and the daughter who left Jeon In-suk is Kang Mi-ri, who will become a bride of Han Tae-ju.,Jeon In-suk and Kang Mi-ri already know that they are mother and daughter, but these people do not know that.,Na Hye-mi, a young wife of Han, who doubts the relationship and drives Jeon In-suk, is a bomb that can not know whe...

[Comprehensive] S.E.S. Shoe, habitual gambling → self-controversy → building pressurized → "interest rate 1800%"

[Sports Chosun Baek Ji-eun reporter] Sugar building from S.E.S., who was in dispute over the habitual gambling, was pressurized. On April 29, one media reported that Sugar was pressurized from a creditor, Park Moo, in April, in Hwaseong City, Gyeonggi Province. Shu and Park met at a casino in Las Vegas in 2017. After that, Shu borrowed about 400 million won in gambling money from Park while gambling at W casino.,However, when he failed to repay his debt, Park filed a lawsuit against Shu for a loan request of 350 million won. Shu claimed that Park borrowed money for gambling purposes and could not pay back with a 1800% interest rate.,However, Park said that W casino is allowed by the state, and it is a foreigner, but it can not be said to be an illegal cause benefit because it is possible to enter because it has a special sovereignty in Sugar Japan.,He also said he did not use the borrowing card and did not ask for a 1800% interest rate. Last year, Shu was at the center of controversy w...

[Single] Kang Kyung-joon Jang Shin-young, two children become parents..

(Seoul = News1) Yoon Hyo-jung = Actors Kang Kyung-joon (36) and Jang Shin-young (35) become parents of two children. As a result of the news 1 on the 1st, Kang Kyung-joon and Jang Shin-young are pregnant with their second child and are now in a stable state.,It is said that Kang Kyung-joon and Jang Shin-young were very pleased with the news of the second pregnancy. Jang Shin-young has been devoted to Kang Kyung-joon for five years after he suffered the pain of divorce in 2009 and met through the drama 'Thorn Flower' in 2013.,Jang Shin-young married Kang Kyung-joon in May last year and made a relationship with the couple. The two men appeared on SBS 'Sangsangmong 2 You Are My Destiny' last year and released the preparation process for marriage.,In particular, Kang Kyung-joon opened his heart with Jang Shin-young's son and became a real family, making many viewers crowded.,Kang Kyung-joon Jang Shin-young and his eldest son are said to be particularly happy with the bi...

"No trouble" .. 'J Journalism Talk Show' Jung Woo-sung, current affairs program MC Why did not you let it go [TV]

[OSEN= Shim Eon-kyung] Jung Woo-sung explained why he refused to join MC of 'Journalism Talk Show J'. In KBS 1TV 'Journalism Talk Show J' broadcasted on the 30th, 50th feature 'Refugee Report without Refugees' was prepared, and actor Jung Woo-sung, who is a goodwill ambassador for the UN Refugee Organization, appeared. Jung Woo-sung is well known for his image as an important actor, but he is constantly expressing his convictions about political issues.,Jung Woo-sung also attracted attention on this day, revealing his thoughts on media criticism programs and his views on refugees. Jung Woo-sung has watched the 'J Journalism Talk Show J' from the first broadcast.,He said, "I was glad and glad to see a program that could throw my worries about my own attitude," he said. "I know there was a media criticism program before, and there are bitter memories that have been corrupted and polluted by the regime.,In the future, I hope that programs suc...

[종합] "성접대 결백, 내새끼 승리 믿었다"..양현석, 마지막 호소

[스포츠조선 백지은 기자] 양현석 전 YG엔터테인먼트(이하 YG) 대표 프로듀서가 자신을 둘러싼 모든 의혹에 대해 결백을 호소했다. 한 매체는 양현석이 지난달 26일 경찰 출석을 앞두고 YG 직원들에게 '최근 불거진 성접대 의혹과 관련해 정말 억울하다. 한치의 부끄러움이 없다. 동요할 필요가 없다'는 취지의 말을 했다고 보도했다. 또 지난 2월 처음 빅뱅 전 멤버 승리의 성접대 의혹을 제기한 SBS funE 강경윤 기자는 6월 28일 방송된 SBS 팟캐스트 '씨네타운 나인틴'을 통해 "양현석이 멘탈이 많이 안좋다. 승리의 성접대 의혹을 보도하며 카카오톡 대화 내용을 공개했을 때만 해도 허위사실 유포하지 말라고 공식입장을 냈다. 나중에 그때 미안했다고 연락이 왔다. '내 새끼 말을 믿어줘야 해서 그렇게 했다. 고의는 아니었다'는 내용의 문자를 받았다"고 밝혔다. YG는 승리의 성접대 의혹이 제기되자 "철저한 경찰 조사를 통해 소문의 진상이 규명되길 희망한다. 허위사실로 밝혀질 경우 모든 법적 대응을 준비할 것"이라고 선언했다. 승리 또한 서울지방경찰청 광역수사대에 자진출두해 조사 받는 등 자신만만한 태도를 보였다. 그러나 결국 성매매 알선 등 행위의 처벌에 관한 법률 위반 혐의로 피의자 신분으로 입건됐다. 이에 승리는 3월 11일 연예계 은퇴를 선언했고 YG 또한 3월 13일 승리와의 전속계약을 해지했다. 이후 승리에 대한 혐의는 계속 추가 됐다. 비록 "혐의에 다툼의 여지가 있으며 증거인멸 및 도주의 우려가 없다"는 이유로 구속영장이 기각되긴 했지만 성매매, 성매매 알선, 식품위생법 위반, 업무상 횡령, 특경법상 업무상 횡령, 성폭력 처벌법에 관한 법률 위반(카메라 등 이용촬영), 증거인멸교사 등 7개 혐의를 적용해 기소의견으로 검찰에 송치된 상황이다. 이와 별개로 양현석도 위기다. 양현석은 2014년 태국인 재력가 밥과 말레이시아 재력가 조 로우가 한국에 방...

'전역' 김수현 "군 복무 중 면회 한번도 없었다"

[매일경제 스타투데이 박세연 기자] 배우 김수현이 21개월 군 생활 동안 "면회가 한 번도 없었다"고 말했다. 김수현은 1일 오전 1사단 수색대대에서 전역을 신고했다. 전역식은 부대 내에서 비공개로 진행했으며 이후 부대 근처 임진각 평화의 종에서 300여 명의 팬들 및 취재진에게 간단한 전역 인사를 했다. 이날 김수현은 "군 생활 할 때 아무래도 다른 친구들보다 나이가 있다 보니 다른 소대나 중대 등 나이 차서 온 친구들과 친해졌다. 서로 의지 많이 하고 지냈다"고 말했다. 가장 면회를 많이 온 사람 관련 질문에는 "면회가 한 번도 없었다"고 말해 눈길을 끌었다. 소속사 관계자에 따르면 김수현은 복무했던 부대 특성상 면회 절차가 복잡해 일반 면회를 진행하지 않았다. 관계자는 "군 생활 중 면회는 특별히 없었다. 소속사 관계자도 휴가 나왔을 때 만난 것으로 알고 있다"고 전했다. 2017년 10월 23일 현역 입대한 김수현은 약 21개월 복무를 마치고 전역했다. 그는 어린 시절 앓아온 심장 질환으로 첫 신체검사에서 4급 판정을 받았으나 현역 입대를 위해 꾸준히 건강관리를 해오며 재검을 받아 1급 판정을 받고 현역 입대했다. 강도 높은 군 생활을 원해 스스로 1사단 수색대대를 지원한 사실이 알려져 화제가 되기도 했다. 김수현은 안방극장와 스크린을 넘나든 특급 한류스타로 국내외에서 높은 인기를 구가했지만 입대 후에는 철저히 민간인 김수현으로서 평범한 군 생활을 해왔다. 소속사에 따르면 상병, 병장 진급을 각각 1개월씩 앞당기며 모범적인 병영 생활을 해왔다. 전역 전부터 업계의 뜨거운 러브콜을 받고 있는 김수현은 전역과 동시에 활발한 활동을 펼칠 예정이다.

Shu, I'm not paying 300 million gambling debts. Piso..."No reason to pay."

[Daily Sports Hwang Ji-young] Shu (real name Yoo Soo-young and 38) from S.E.S. was found to have been forced to hold the building from creditors after being indebted to a billion won in gambling. Park, who lent money to Sue, recently filed a lawsuit claiming to pay 350 million won through the Seoul Central District Court.,The two first met at a casino in Las Vegas in 2017, and at that time, Shu did not pay back the gambling fund of 400 million won to Park.,Park, who did not receive the money, filed a civil lawsuit and was later reported to have seized Shu's building. Shu argues that Park lent money for gambling purposes, so it is in the form of illegal cause benefits (Chapter 746 of the Civil Law, which cannot claim the return of illegal cause benefits).,Park added that he demanded 1800% interest rate, but Park said that the place where the transaction was allowed was a casino director allowed by the country and that he had never demanded 1800% interest rate. Shu was handed over ...

Iowa announced the reunion in October with a nine-member group..." I will cheer for former Sommy and Yoo Yeon-do" [official position specialist]

[My Daily = Lee Seung-rok] The reunion of girl group Io Ai (Jeon Sommy, Kim Se-jung, Choi Yoo-jung, Kim Cheong-ha, Kim So-hye, Ju Kyung Kyung, Chung Chae-yeon, Kim Do-yeon, Kang Min-na, Lim Na-young and Yoo Yeon-jeong) was officially announced. Studio Blue announced on October 1 that Iowa will reunite in October through official SNS. "We promised to meet again at the last concert," said Io Ai.,As much as fans are eager, we have always dreamed of a reunion on one side of our minds and have been running hard in our respective positions. "In October 2019, Kim Se-jung, Choi Yoo-jung, Cheongha, Kim So-hye, Ju Kyung Kyung, Chung Chae Yeon, Kim Do-yeon, Kang Mi-na and Lim Na-young decided to stand in front of you again earlier in the name of Ioa. " "I could not join this moment, but I will give you the power of support from the nearest to the former sommy and the softest," he added. "I will give you the strength of support from the closest to former Sommy an...

[comprehensive] Asdal Chronicles 'Song Jung-ki, the heart of Baeksan, Jang Dong-gun.' 'Are you ashamed that it is still an egt?'

[Everyday Economy Star Today Won Tae-sung Guest Reporter] Saya (Song Jung-ki) has caused confusion in Asdal. On the Saturday drama tvN 'Asdal Chronicles' broadcasted on the night of the 30th, Saya, who is planning to put Asaron (Kim Do-kyung) and Tagon (Jang Dong-gun) in a confusion, came out. Tanya could not hide her surprise at the sight of the Wahhans and the people doing the decorations.,Saya did not consciously say to Tanya, who had come to the place where he broke his words and was going to sacrifice, "I tried to bring him anyway." Saya prayed and said to himself, "Aramun Heslasi, who came to the Igt." At this time, Tanya asked Saya, "Is Aramamun an Igt?" Saya informed Tanya that Asa had driven out the descendants of the real Asa god 200 years ago. When he heard this, Tanya thought, "I am a descendant of Asa god.",She then asked, "What happens when Asa's descendants appear?" Saya replied, "Tagon (Jang Dong-gun) w...

Lee Jin-wook 'Men Sung Mi Dulsin' [Ek's HD Photo]

[Export News reporter Yoon Dae-hee] Actor Lee Jin-wook, who attended the OCN Saturday drama 'Voice Season 3' at a restaurant in Yeouido-dong, Seoul on the afternoon of the 30th, has photo time.

'Segelye' Kim So-yeon X Hong Jong-hyun's marriage goal, Kim Hae-sook + Choi Myung-gil's tears [comprehensive]

[TV Report = Kim Jin-ah] Kim So-yeon and Hong Jong-hyun scored for the marriage. On the 30th KBS2 “My Prettyest Daughter in the World,” Kang Mi-ri (Kim So-yeon) was shown to decide to marry Han Tae-ju (Hong Jong-hyun). Kang Mi-ri was worried about Han Tae-joo, who struggled alone under the pressure of Na Hye-mi (Kang Sung-yeon), and decided to stay with him. He told him that he would marry and came to Jeon In-sook and told his resolution.,She said, "How do you leave us in such hell, Mr. Taeju?" "When you abandoned me, I had a good and generous Park Sun-ja.,But there is no one by Mr. Taeju. "In the end, Kang Mi-ri did not bend his decision, and Jeon In-sook had to allow the marriage of the two. Kang Mi-ri told Park Sun-ja about his marriage to Han Tae-joo, but he was angry that he should never be a sailor.,Jeon In-sook, who was worried that if Na Hye-mi came out, the relationship between the mother and daughter would be revealed, came to the Sunja and said that he co...

'Voice 3' Lee Jin-wook and Park Byeong-eun were killed after the murder.

[Export News reporter Lim Soo-yeon] 'Voice 3' Lee Jin-wook was killed. In the 16th episode of the OCN Saturday drama "Voice 3", which was broadcast on the 30th, the Golden Time team found a place where it was presumed to be the workshop of Masayuki Kaneki (Park Byung-eun). On this day, Dogang paid attention to the Oseong Welfare Center near Poongsan Sports Club and confirmed that there was a flower that Masayuki Kaneki had in front of the building.,Kang Kwon-ju, who confirmed that the underground of the welfare center is a little different from the drawing, told Do-Gwon-woo, and Do-Gwon-woo asked for help from the Kangwon-ju because he could not find the entrance while searching the underground. Kang Kwon-ju confirmed the sound of something leaking through the sound of the cell phone that Do-Kwon-woo made, and found a place where he could see the workroom of Masayuki Kaneki in the place where the sound was heard.,Dogangu found Machio, who was still breathing there, an...

The 'parasite' Song Gang-ho family would not have lived in 'under the ring'

[Omai News reporter Lee Chang-hee] "If humans lose self-esteem, they lose everything." Danielle Blake (2016) wanted to keep it to the end. It was his dignity as a human being and his self-esteem that kept his hard life.,However, the reason why I could not bear the whole time watching Parasite (2019) was because of our society's attitude to human beings.,Throughout the movie, I was uncomfortable and the reality that I could not recover was grim. Park keeps saying, 'Do not cross the line', is it a distinction of social class?     "Son, I'm proud of you." Life without hope is the future.,The happiness of reality, which was possible to be suspended in the "Marshmallow Story" (2005, Berkeley Books), came to "I almost lived hard" (2018, Woongjin Knowledge House) and was pulled to "Right Now".,Our young men have decided not to delay the happiness of reality in the uncertain future. “You have a pla...

[종합]'아스달 연대기' 김지원, 은섬 송중기 살아있다는 사실 알았다 '눈물'

[스포츠조선닷컴 정안지 기자] '아스달 연대기' 김지원이 은섬 송중기가 살아있다는 사실을 알게됐다. 30일 방송된 tvN 토일드라마 '아스달 연대기'에서는 사야(송중기 분)가 혼란을 위해 제관을 살해하는 모습이 그려졌다. 이날 탄야(김지원 분)는 사야를 따라간 동굴에서 채은(고보결 분)과 다른 사람들이 와한족이 하는 꾸밈을 하고 의식을 거행하는 것을 목격했다. 이때 사야는 기도를 드리며 속으로 '이그트로 오신 아라문 헤슬라시여'라고 말했다. 탄야는 그런 사야에게 "아라문이 이그트냐"고 물어 그를 당황시켰다. 탄야는 사야로부터 "지금의 흰산족은 곁쪽이다. 곧쪽이 있었다면 아무것도 아니었을 거다. 대신 자신의 사자를 보냈는데 그게 아라문 해슬라다"라는 이야기를 듣게 됐다. 이에 탄야는 "흰늑대 할머니가 아사신이라면 곧쪽은 나잖아"라며 자신이 아사신의 직계 후손일 수도 있음을 알게 됐다. 탄야는 "아사신의 곧쪽이 살아서 아스달에 온다면 어떻게 될 것 같으냐"라고 물었고, 사야는 "대제관이 될 거다"라고 답했다. 때마침 타곤(장동건 분)은 무백(박해준 분)을 통해 탄야가 아사신의 직계 후손 와한족의 씨족 어머니 후계자라는 사실을 알고 그를 찾아갔다. 타곤은 흰산의 심장 문양을 그려 보이며 아냐고 물었고, 탄야는 모르는 척 거짓말했다. 이때 사야는 태알하(김옥빈 분)가 탄야를 몸종으로 들이고, 타곤이 죽이지 않고 왜 살려두었는지 궁금증을 품었다. 탄야는 "꿈 때문이다"고 설명했다. 사야는 "꿈에서 나만 널 본 게 아니었다. 너도 날 봤었다"며 꿈속에서의 자신의 모습을 물었다. 탄야는 "가족도 동무도 없이 혼자 아프고 혼자 말하고 외롭고 쓸쓸하게 그저 견뎌내는. 빛으로 나가고 싶은 사람"이라고 말했다. 이에 사야는 탄야의 손을 자신의 얼굴에 대며 "다 이야기 하고 싶다...

Super Junior Choi Si-won 'I accept airport fashion!' [Photoen HD]

[Incheon Airport (Yeongjongdo) = News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & News & Super Junior member Choi Si-won (CHOI SI WON) arrived on June 30 after finishing his overseas schedule through Incheon International Airport in Unseo-dong, Jung-gu, Incheon. Super Junior member Choi Si-won (CHOI SI WON) is entering Korea. "Jin @ jin @ jing @ jing @

[SC issue] "Admission for a one-sided divorce?".. 'Septeering' Song Jung-ki, was it a warning to Song Hye-kyo?

[Sports Korea Jo Ji-young reporter] Actors Song Jung-ki and Song Hye-kyo have been dismissed in a year and eight months, and various speculations about the reason for the divorce continue. Song Jung-ki announced his divorce with Song Hye-kyo through lawyer Park Jae-hyun, a lawyer in the law firm, on the morning of the 27th.,First, Park Jae-hyun, a lawyer, said, "Song Jung-ki received an application for divorce settlement with Song Hye-kyo at the Seoul Family Court on the 26th." Song Jung-ki directly said, "Song Hye-kyo and divorce proceedings.,Both of them are hoping to finish the divorce process smoothly rather than criticizing each other. I would like to apologize for the difficulty of telling each other about the privacy story.,In the future, I will do my best to work as an actor and return it to a good work. " On the other hand, Song Hye-kyo announced his position through his agency UAA one hour after Song Jung-ki announced his divorce. Song Hye-kyo said, "...

'Why are you here?' Park Chan-ho, a controversy over the mug, said, "I just ate it because I gave it."

[] 'Why did you come to my house' Park Chan-ho explains the controversy over the sour sauce. Park Chan-ho, a former baseball player, explained various rumors. Park revealed the truth about the rumors that spread in the protests on the 30th night sky drama "Sunday of the Taste Sniper - Why did you come to my house" (hereafter, "Why did you come to my house"). When asked, "There is a rumor that the bottle cap is not picked up directly for the protection of the hand," Park said, "I usually pick it with my left hand.,Oh Ji-ho joked, "I was angry even if someone touched my right hand." Kim Hee-chul said, "I touched my right hand and hit it.",Park Chan-ho said, "I think there will be rumors from today because of Oh Ji-ho." Park said, "Pal insurance is a fact," and "Most of the US players are enrolled.,I have joined the insurance in case I can not live a career anymore because I am injured. ...

'미우새' 신동엽, 토니 엄마 솔직 발언 사전 차단 "거기까지요"

[티브이데일리 신상민 기자] ‘미운 우리 새끼’에서 토니 엄마가 과거 김범수를 좋아하지 않았던 이유를 밝혔다. 30일 방송된 SBS 예능 프로그램 ‘미운 우리 새끼’에는 가수 김범수가 스페셜 게스트로 출연을 했다. 김범수는 게스트로 출연해 엄마들이 등장하자 벌떡 일어나 인사를 했다. 그러던 중 신동엽은 토니 엄마를 지목하면서 웃기 시작했다. 신동엽은 매번 게스트가 오면 인사를 하던 것과 달리 주춤주춤한다고 했다. 그러자 토니 엄마는 과거 동네의 5살 아이가 H.O.T 보다 김범수를 좋아했다고 말했다. 그러면서 그 당시에 김범수가 누군지 몰랐다고 했다. 이어 토니 엄마는 “오늘 얼굴을 보니 솔직히”라고 말을 했다. 그러자 신동엽은 급히 “어머니 거기까지만”이라고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다. 이어 엄마들의 노래 요청해 김범수는 ‘끝사랑’과 ‘보고 싶다’를 열창했다. 김범수의 노래를 듣고는 토니 엄마는 “5살 꼬마가 좋아한다고 할만 하다”고 칭찬을 했다. [티브이데일리 신상민 기자 / 사진출처=SBS]

'J Journalism Talk Show J' Jung Woo-sung "Why are you involved in refugee issues? Everyone's story"

[My Daily = Heo Sul-hee] Actor Jung Woo-sung confessed his interest in refugee issues. On the 30th KBS 1TV 'Journalism Talk Show J', he invited actor Jung Woo-sung, who has been active for five years as a goodwill ambassador for the UN Refugee Organization, as a special guest and had time to look back on the reports of refugees in domestic media. On this day, Jung Woo-sung said, "When I look at short-term phenomena, I can hear why I do not have to listen to such issues and I can take the lead." "But if you look at the various meanings of the word refugees, it is not the objectification of the group of refugees, but the story of all of us," he said. "Refugees are the most absolute abbreviations on the planet in some way." "In order to protect them, we have to carry out ethical solidarity internationally, and we have an agreement between the nation and the country that each human being has, and these are all issues."

'Buddhist Tuhon' Song Gain, gains power from fans and smiles of smiles ~ [Photoen HD]

[Anyang (Gyeonggi) = Jung Yoo-jin, reporter on the news] Tomorrow is the Mistrot (hereinafter, ‘Mistrot’) Anyang Concert was held at the Anyang Sports Complex in Anyang, Gyeonggi Province on the afternoon of June 30. Song Ga-in is smiling on this day. The 'Mr. Rot' national tour concert of the winner Song Gain, the second prize winner Jung Mi Ae, the third prize winner, the fourth prize winner, the fourth prize winner Jung Dae Kyung, the fifth prize winner Kim Na Hee, Doori, Kim Hee Jin, Kim So Yoo, The performance continues. Jung Yoo-jin noir1979@

Koo Ha-ra, Smiles in Black Sleeves, Smiles Healthy

[Star News Joo Sung-bae Intern Reporter] Singer Kuhara released a video showing a healthy smile to fans in black sleeveless. Kuhara posted a video of a smile on his instagram on the 30th. In the public image, Kuhara appeared with a light makeup in a dark space.,There was no article written with the video, but it showed a healthy smile through the video and gave the fans a pleasure. The netizens who watched this are responding such as "My sister is so beautiful", "How are you doing, sister?", "I am good and eat a lot of delicious things and I am strong." On the other hand, Kuhara made his debut as a Kara mini album in 2008, and on the 26th, he was worried about the situation that his costume was running down while dancing at the Japanese TV Tokyo 'Terreto Music Festival'.

Nam Tae-hyun, self-released recently .. "I will see you soon to find a new album" [SHOT!]

[OSEN=Park Pan-seok] Singer Nam Tae-hyun left a comment on the concert. Nam Tae-hyun said to his SNS on the 30th, "I finished the concert well. I will visit you with a new album soon."Thank you," and posted a self-portrait. In the open photo, Nam Tae-hyun boasted a warm face with white skin and hair with a part. Nam Tae-hyun started his public devotion with singer Jang Jae-in, who met through tvN 'works room' in April.,However, on July 7, Jang Jae-in revealed the situation of Nam Tae-hyun's legs, and the controversy surrounding the two people grew.

Jung Mi-ae, the beauty of the bangs and more elegant [PhotoenHD]

[Jung Yoo-jin, reporter in the news] Tomorrow is the Mistrot (hereinafter, ‘Mistrot’) Anyang Concert was held at the Anyang Sports Complex in Anyang, Gyeonggi Province on the afternoon of June 30. On this day, Jung Mi-ae is watching the audience. The 'Mr. Rot' national tour concert of the winner Song Gain, the second prize winner Jung Mi Ae, the third prize winner, the fourth prize winner, the fourth prize winner Jung Dae Kyung, the fifth prize winner Kim Na Hee, Doori, Kim Hee Jin, Kim So Yoo, The performance continues. Jung Yoo-jin noir1979@

'Show Odiozaki' Park Myung-soo, 43 years old, "seems to be 40 years old"

[News reporter Ji Yeon-ju] Participants appeared during the incredible past class of 43 years old. On June 30, TVN 'Show Odiozaki' featured Park Myung-soo, Boom, and Sul Ha-yoon looking for road singers in Jamsil, Seoul. The participants in the black sleeveless dress were surprised by the introduction of the "10th anniversary of their marriage this year, 43 years old, and they are living in Nonhyeon-dong, Gangnam." Boom and Sul Ha-yoon said, "You look really young.,“I don’t think I can see you in your 40s,” Boom and Sul Ha-yoon said. Park Myung-soo said, "I do not see you at 43 years old. I look 40 years old." The participant laughed at the broadcast and laughed.,(Photo: TVN ‘Show Odiozaki’ Captured) "The news is about playing the delayed week

"I am honored to be able to play with you." Kim Kwon, late Jeon Mi-seon's memorial [SNScut]

[News reporter Ji Yeon-ju] Actor Kim Kwon commemorated the late (Go) Jeon Mi-seon. On June 30, Kim posted a black and white photo on his instagram with an article entitled "It was an honor to be able to play with your seniors." In the photo, Kim Kwon, who sits side by side with the Gomi Line and takes a picture of himself, is smiling at the camera.,The bright smile of the late ship gives the viewer a pity. The fans who encountered the photos responded such as "I wish you good luck", "My heart hurts" and "Please rest in peace". The police are currently investigating the fact that the late ship made an extreme choice on its own. (Photo: Kim Kwon Instagram) "The news is about playing the delayed week

'Mistrot' National Tour, August 18 Seoul Encore Concert confirmed

[TV Report: Reporter Park Seol-i] The tour will be completed in Seoul by the national tour concert "Mistrot tomorrow" (hereinafter, "Mistrot"). On August 30, Culture Factory, a performance agency, said, "The 'Mr. Rot' concert, which is currently touring the country, was confirmed in Seoul on August 18th.,I would like to thank you for your constant love and support, and it will be a place to repay the audience who came together from the beginning. " Twelve trot girls, including the winners Song Ga-in, Jung Mi-ae, Hongja, Jung Dae-kyung and Kim Na-hee, will finish the national tour through the 'Mistrot' Seoul Encore Concert, so they will decorate the grand stage with more spectacular attractions and rich stages. The 'Mistrot' national tour concert, which has also performed additional performances such as Gwangju, Anyang and Mokpo, has led the communication with the audience and is currently causing the second trot craze in Incheon, Go...

The late US ship "Song Gang Ho, Bong Jun Ho, Lee Mi Yeon ..."

[News reporter Heo Min-nyeong] From the best friends in the entertainment industry to the colleagues who worked together, they gathered together to commemorate the whole world.,On the news of the devastated death, they searched for the funeral with a gruesome expression and left the deceased with tears. The first room of the funeral hall of Asan Hospital in Seoul, where the late Jeon Mi-seon's funeral home was set.,On June 30, the memorial service began at 11 am, and the memorial procession of actors Song Kang-ho, Lee Mi-yeon, Yeom Jung-a, Yoon Se-a, Jang Hyun-sung and Yoon Si-yoon continued. Song Gang-ho and Song Gang-ho were the first to find the funeral, and they were able to breathe as opposite roles in the movie "Narat Malsami" which is about to be released, including the movie "Memories of Murder",Bong Joon-ho also visited the funeral hall. Jeon Mi-sun has twice been named in the filmography of Bong Joon-ho, including the movie "Memories of Murder...

SES Shu, 400 million won gambling debt → Bonds are pressurized

[Reporter Bae Hyo-ju on the News] It has been reported that the S.E.S Sugar building, which is known to have owed about 400 million won in gambling debt, was pressurized. Buyers reported on June 29 that Shu (real name Yoo Soo-young) was pressurized from creditor Park Mo in April for his building in Hwaseong City, Gyeonggi Province. Shuwa Park Mo is known to have met at a casino in Las Vegas in 2017. Shu was in debt for about 400 million won from Park Mo while gambling, but when he did not pay his debt, Park Mo was in a pressurised and civil lawsuit. Shu said that since he borrowed money for gambling, he had no reason to pay back because he was an illegal cause benefit.,However, Park said, "I lent money to casinos allowed by countries such as Kangwon Land." Meanwhile, Shu was accused of gambling a total of 790 million won in overseas gambling, including Macau, from August 2016 to May this year. On February 18, he was sentenced to two years in prison for six months in prison at...

'Lee Seung-yoon', the personality of a person is revealed at an unexpected moment [issue & Talk]

[TV Daily Yoon Ji-hye column] Manager Lee Seung-yoon's attitude and attitude toward the work of 'Kang Hyun-seok' is cool. He did not blame Kang Hyun-seok or expressed regret for the controversial situation.,He apologized to the public for the inconvenience caused by the best words and actions he could do, and he did not forget to warmly embrace the manager Kang Hyun-seok as a person who had been with him for a while while pointing out his past mistakes. One more example of past mistakes that caught him.,Kang Hyun-seok, who appeared as the manager of comedian Lee Seung-yoon in the "Powerful Interference" (hereinafter, "Top-Chop"), was caught up in debt controversy by an article posted on an online community recently.,The person who posted the article borrowed money twice to Kang Hyun-seok in the past, but after the lawsuit, he barely received it from his mother, but he did not receive an apology at all. Kang Hyun-seok, who acknowledged all of this as true...

"Nokdujeon" side "I mourn the late Jeon Mi-seon, I pray for the death of the deceased" [official position]

[] "I wish you the mourning of the late Jeon Mi-seon, the deceased of the third generation" [official position] KBS2 New Moonwha drama 'Chosun Rocco - Nokdujeon' mourned the late Jeon Mi-seon. The production team of 'Chosun Roco - Nokdujeon' said on the 30th, "The actor of the ship was about to shoot soon, but everyone is heartbroken.,I express my deepest condolences to the late actor of the US, and I wish you the best of the deceased. " The news of the death of the ship was reported on the 29th. The ship was found dead at 11:45 am in a hotel room bathroom in Jeonju, Jeonbuk.,He was in Jeonju to go on stage with the play 'My mother and two nights and three days'. The funeral hall of the USS was set up in the first room of Asan Medical Center in Seoul. The ship was scheduled to play the role of Cheon Haeng-soo, the leader of the Kyeongbang, in the KBS2 new monthly drama "Chosun Rocco-Nokdujeon", which is scheduled to ai...

'Asdal Chronicles' Nichkhun, 'Brain Antalgy' Introduction + Inversion .. The first appearance of Korean drama [Oh!

2PM Nichkhun gave shock and reversal with his strong appearance in the Asdal Chronicle. Nichkhun appeared as a brain anthal in the TVN weekend drama "Asdal Chronicles" (played by Kim Young-hyun, Park Sang-yeon, and directed by Kim Won-seok) which was broadcast on the afternoon of the 29th. Brain analgesics have superior physical abilities than 'people', but they are known to have been destroyed by massive hunting in the past.,But as Nichkhun, the “brain-and-brain” man, emerged, a great perceptual flutter began. Nichkhun attracted attention with his blue eyes and his transformation. He noticed the existence of Song Jung-ki (Eunseom, Saya Station) and his presence, and he predicted an interesting development. In addition, the main character who showed his presence only by narration in the cookie video on the 23rd was also revealed as Nichkhun.,He was a charismatic voice and was admiring the audience with his skillful use of strange brain-throwing. He did not appear dire...

[RE:TV] chronology of Asdal' Song Jung-ki disaster ..Jang Dong-gun plight

(Seoul = News1) Seo Dong-woo = Jang Dong-gun and Song Jung-ki showed different reactions to the disaster that occurred in Asdal, the "Asdal Chronicle". On the TVN weekend drama "Asdal Chronicles" (played by Park Sang-yeon, Kim Young-hyun/directed by Kim Won-seok), which was broadcast on the afternoon of the 29th, Tanya (Kim Ji-won) began serving Saya (Song Jung-ki) as its owner. On this day, Tanya decided to learn more about Asdal. Tanya said she would swear to Saya and live as a body servant. Tanya tried to gain his trust by revealing that Taealha (Kim Ok-bin) ordered him to watch over Saya.,Tanya did not spare any effort to narrow the distance, knowing that she was craving freedom for Saya. Tanya then said that she would catch a bird to Saya, who is looking at the bird. Tanya grabbed a bird with a stone. Tanya began to get closer to her by teaching her to stone. She started to open her mind to Tanya, and she showed her book and showed her playing alone with stone....

The late Park Yong-ha, today (30 days) 9 cycles "I miss you like that day for the first time"

[Reporter Bae Hyo-ju on the News] Nine years have passed since Park Yong-ha left the company. Actor Park Yong-ha went to the world on June 30, 2010 at his home in Nonhyeon-gu, Gangnam-gu. After Park Yong-ha finished his life on his own, the police announced that "the stress of his father's cancer, entertainment activities and business seemed to be severe." Park Yong-ha, who made his debut as an actor through MBC 'Theme Game' in 1994, became a Korean wave star through the drama 'Winter Sonata' (2002) and then appeared in 'Love You' and 'On Air'. In particular, he had a singing ability that was as good as his outstanding acting ability, and he hit the drama 'All In' (2003) OST 'Like the First Day' and performed his versatile talent as an all-around entertainer. Park Yong-ha is buried in Memorial Park in Bundang, and the plaque is set up in Ilsan Yaksan Temple. Every year, family members and fans visit the place to honor the de...

Song Ga-in, Bokdae Tuhon rehearsal [PhotoenHD]

[Jung Yoo-jin, reporter in the news] The Anyang concert will be held at the Anyang Sports Complex in Anyang, Gyeonggi Province on June 30. Song Ga-in is rehearsing on the day. The 'Mr. Rot' national tour concert of the winner Song Gain, the second prize winner Jung Mi Ae, the third prize winner, the fourth prize winner, the fourth prize winner Jung Dae Kyung, the fifth prize winner Kim Na Hee, Doori, Kim Hee Jin, Kim So Yoo, The performance continues. Jung Yoo-jin noir1979@

The Sublime Value of the Donghak Peasant Revolution in the 'Glossom Flowers'

The noble value of the Donghak Peasant Revolution, which is contained by the "Gnokdu Flowers" [Entermedia = Jung Duk-hyun] Ugumti Pass, guarded by Japanese soldiers armed with powerful firepower.,The name Ugumti, which is named after the bandits have been banned from passing through the cattle, is a difficult point to penetrate as a way to enter the princess.,The way that Japanese soldiers will die helplessly if they shoot with a gun.,But as in real history and in the SBS gilt drama "Golden Flower", which reenacted it, they jump to overturn the head while knowing that they are dying.,The battle of Ugumti, which was not a battle but a massacre. The struggle of the desperation soldiers has now preceded the "Nokdu Flower". Why did they go on without avoiding the path that the death had been announced?,Perhaps it was not the result of this revolution but the process that the drama about the Donghak Peasant Revolution called "Nightflower" was about to...